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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Course Descriptions

GESC 7101 - Graduate Thesis

To participate in the Master in Environmental and Social Change program students must register for this course in each year of their program. Ongoing mandatory registration in the thesis course indicates students are undertaking a thesis project under the supervision and guidance of a faculty member. The thesis project must include actual research, experimental and/or theoretical, that is beyond a literature review or analysis of existing data, in order to make an original theoretical, methodological or empirical contribution to knowledge. Permission to enroll is dependent on the availability and approval of a supervisor in the student's field of interest and approval of the MESC Graduate Program Committee Chair(s) and the Faculty of Graduate Studies at The University of 澳门王中王论坛.

GESC 7102 - Interdisciplinary Seminars in Environmental & Social Change

Students are informed on the current state of research, knowledge and practice focused on environmental and social change. Through student- and faculty-led discussions, seminars presented by upper year graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and invited speakers and a series of oral presentations, students investigate a breadth of concepts and methods used in the fields of environmental studies and sciences and human and physical geography. Students also produce a major paper that supports their thesis project.

GESC 7103 - Interdisciplinary Research Foundations

This course investigates environmental and geographical research from an interdisciplinary perspective. This course focusses on the history and philosophy of research; research, society, and policy; interdisciplinary research methods; professional development for team-based collaborative research; research ethics, types of research designs and proposal development. The two main deliverables are: 1) an interdisciplinary team project focused on an environmental/geographical challenge/opportunity that applies and/or tests interdisciplinary problem solving approaches, concepts, theory and/or methods, and 2) an individual thesis research proposal that would be suitable for submission to an external granting agency.

GESC 7511 - Environmental Studies & Human Geography: Approaches & Methods

This course supports graduate students to develop advanced understanding of specialized approaches, applications and methods for Human Geography and Environmental Studies research. Students engage significant literature, major questions in theory and related method, and practical tools related to the course subject. Course content varies from year to year.

GESC 7521 - Topics in Environmental Studies & Human Geography

This course introduces graduate students to a topical area within Human Geography and Environmental Studies. The focus may be defined by a thematic area of study, region, period, or complementary domains of study. Students become familiar with the major published literature, questions and debates, theoretical considerations, practical applications, and current directions within the field.

GESC 7531 - Directed Studies in Environmental Studies & Human Geography

The course will enable students to explore, in-depth, a particular topic, theme or research question with the guidance of the faculty advisor with expertise in the subject field. Through regular meetings with the supervisor, along with reading/ written assignments and/or individual research project work, students will be able to fill in gaps in their knowledge, understand concepts and sharpen their research skills.

GESC 7611 - Environmental Science & Physical Geography: Approaches & Methods

This course trains graduate students in a specialized research approach, technique or unique application utilized within physical geography and environmental sciences. Examples of methods may include: specialized lab or field techniques; statistical or data analysis methods; geospatial analysis; mathematical or computer-based modelling approaches; or other methods used in the study of physical geography and environmental sciences. The course content varies from year to year.

GESC 7621 - Topics in Environmental Science & Physical Geography

This course introduces graduate students to a topical area within Physical Geography and Environmental Science. Situated within the broader context of environmental and social change, the focus may be defined by a thematic area of study, geographic focus, or applications of research to current environmental issues, for example. Students become familiar with the major published literature, questions and debates, theoretical considerations, practical applications, and current directions within the field.

GESC 7631 - Directed Studies in Environmental Science & Physical Geography

This course allows the student to undertake a study on a specific topic area, theme, or research question of interest to fill in gaps in their knowledge, understand concepts, and sharpen their research skills. This is achieved through one or a combination of activities including, but not limited to, a critical review of literature, meta-analysis, developing/ testing methods, and conducting independent directed research. The directed studies course may be in the general topic area of the student’s thesis but should be distinct from their given research subject.