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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Study Abroad

Study Abroad in Germany!

The University of 澳门王中王论坛 has a formal exchange program with the Universität Bamberg in Bavaria, southern Germany.

  • There are no tuition fees if you meet the criterion of full-time study.
  • Full-time study requires only the equivalent of 3 full courses.
  • Students apply through the University of 澳门王中王论坛’s International Office to participate in the exchange.
  • Students receive assistance from both the UW International Office and the Akademisches Auslandsamt (International Office) of the Uni Bamberg in making their arrangements

The Universität Bamberg has programs in many areas, including:

  • English, French, History, Classics, and other Arts fields;
  • Education;
  • Social sciences such as Economics, Psychology and Sociology;
  • Management/Public Administration;
  • Applied Informatics/Business Computing.

There are no natural science programs. Check the Universität Bamberg website for current offerings. Also note that many courses are taught in English (though not all, of course).

The Universität Bamberg also offers German-as-a-foreign-language courses.

  • For these language courses, you can get transfer credit for existing University of 澳门王中王论坛 German courses, but not unallocated UW credits (i.e., credits which are granted in general, not for a particular courses).
  • Be aware that 9 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and accumulation System) points normally correspond to 6 UW credit hours. For further information on transfer credits and equivalents, see the German Studies Coordinator.

There are two semesters at Universität Bamberg: WintersemesterandSommersemester.

  • The Wintersemester runs from early October to mid-February.
  • The Sommersemester runs from early April to mid-July. If you go in this term, you must make arrangements for your April examinations that might be missed at the University of 澳门王中王论坛.
  • The Universität Bamberg, like most other universities, offers a short orientation course (Vorbereitungskurs) for foreign students in the week or so before classes begin, which includes a language course.

For more information on studying at the Universität Bamberg contact Kristin Lovrien-Meuwese (k.lovrien-meuwese@uwinnipeg.ca) or go to:  

University study in Germany is tuition-free. Those wishing to study at a university other than Bamberg require a letter of permission from 澳门王中王论坛 and will deal directly with that German institution’s Akademisches Auslandsamt (International Office).

Please check the Study Abroad website for details or contact Dr. Kristin Lovrien-Meuwese (k.lovrien-meuwese@uwinnipeg.ca).