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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Climate Justice and Sustainability: Research Networking Session

Tue. Jan. 31 12:30 PM - Tue. Jan. 31 01:30 PM
Contact: r.keijzer@uwinnipeg.ca
Location: Zoom or 3RC060 (Aabijijiwan New Media Lab)

  • Zoom: , Meeting ID: 857 0812 2511
  • In-Person: 3RC060

Intra-UW research networking session: Climate Justice and Sustainability

The Research Office and collaborators from the Prairie Climate Centre are responding to requests to bolster intra-UW collaboration by creating space for networking around research topics (as opposed to disciplines) to grow awareness of UW research and create space for interdisciplinary collaboration.

Format: informal panel of UW researchers, variety of disciplines and methodologies represented

Audience: Faculty, students, research assistants/coordinators, etc. All are welcome!

Moderators: Joseph Wasylycia-Leis, Campus Sustainability Coordinator and Sara Campbell, Sustainability Outreach and Education Assistant


Danny Blair (Geography)

Dr. Blair is a climatologist and Professor in the Department of Geography. He is the co-founder and Co-Director of the Prairie Climate Centre, where he leads the team that assesses and visualizes climate change trends in Canada.

Nora Casson (Geography)

Dr. Casson is the Canada Research Chair in Environmental Influences on Water Quality and co-director of the Prairie Climate Centre. Her research focuses on the ways in which climate change impacts water quality of streams, lakes and wetlands.

Ryan Bullock (Environmental Studies and Sciences)

Dr. Bullock is the Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Human-Environment Interactions, and Co-Chair of the Master in Environmental and Social Change program. He researches the human dimensions of environmental resources with a focus on how societies respond to social-ecological crises, conflicts, and change. This means understanding how different societal actors perceive, innovate, and adapt to changes in order to devise collaborative solutions.

Steven Kohm (Criminal Justice)

Dr. Kohm is a Professor in the Criminal Justice department at the University of 澳门王中王论坛. His research interests include crime in media and popular culture; urban security and social control; and environmental justice.

Darshani Kumaragamage (Environmental Studies and Sciences)

Dr. Kumaragamage has a BSc Honors degree in Agriculture and a PhD in Soil Science. Her research interests include assessing, monitoring, and mitigating environmental impacts of fertilizers and animal manure, with special focus on phosphorus transformations and mobility in soils under different climatic and management scenarios. 

Srimathie Indraratne (Environmental Studies and Sciences)

Dr. Indraratne is a faculty member from the Environmental Studies and Sciences, conducting research on environmental contamination of potentially toxic elements (such as Cd, Pb, Se, As, and V) and remediation of contaminated soil using economically feasible and environmentally friendly materials (biochar and natural minerals). 

Craig Willis (Biology)

Dr. Willis aims to understand what motivates small bodied mammals in their decisions about where to live, when to be active and inactive, and how to maintain a balance between energy intake and expenditure. We are also conducting research to address two crises for the conservation of North American bats, mortality of migratory bats at industrial-scale wind turbines and the emerging infectious disease white-nose syndrome.

Ray Silvius (Political Science)

Dr. Silvius is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science specializing in International Relations, Global Political Economy, and refugee resettlement.  He is interested in the links between global capitalism, climate-induced displacements, and resettlement.

Robert Neubauer (Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications)

Dr. Neubauer is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Rhetoric, Writing, and Communications at the University of 澳门王中王论坛. He studies the media strategies of Canadian environmental and pro-resource extraction social movements, with a focus on populist discourse, public mobilization around proposed energy infrastructure, and digital platforms.