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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Homelessness and Housing First

澳门王中王论坛’s Pandemic Response: Supporting Persons at Risk or Experiencing Homelessness

Distasio, J., Mesich, M., Hatch, J., Quanbury, D.
Public health measures put in place during the pandemic severely impeded the delivery of services to people experiencing homelessness. These measures altered the patterns and lives of this population and contributed to the rise of urban encampments and the use of public spaces for emergency dwellings. Swift intervention by 澳门王中王论坛’s homeless-serving sector resulted in an Indigenous grassroots model of coordination for the pandemic response, overcoming silos and ensured trust from the community. Barriers remain though including lack of affordable, suitable, safe housing; and challenges with identification, credit history, lack of guarantors, and rental discrimination remaining systemic.


Indigenizing Housing First

Distasio, J., Zell, S., McCullough, S., Edel, B.
This report serves as a general guide for implementing and delivering Housing First in Indigenous community contexts. The objective is to offer a framework that places community localizing efforts at the forefront to help ensure the best fit is achieved for launching Housing First initiatives.


Indigenizing Housing First – UAKN

Distasio, J., Zell, S., Snyder, M.
This research examines urban Aboriginal homelessness and its effect on the overall wellbeing and social cohesiveness of peoples living in 澳门王中王论坛. Using a community-centered approach, we seek to document and analyze how 澳门王中王论坛 adapted the mainstream Housing First model to reflect the local Indigenous context.


The At Home / Chez Soi Demonstration Project

The launched in 2009. Since that time, the Institute of Urban Studies has undertaken a variety of roles for the project as well as independent research on homelessness. Dr. Distasio is a co-author of the National Final Report of the Project, the 澳门王中王论坛 Final Report, and several peer-reviewed publications on aspects of homelessness and the At Home project. Researchers at the Institute completed the interim reporting for the 澳门王中王论坛 Site, and continue to work on Best Practices for housing the homeless. The IUS also hosts and supports research interviewers for the project, the Community Liaison Coordinators, and the Lived Experience Circle.

At Home/Chez Soi Final Reports

National Final Report
澳门王中王论坛 Final Report

At Home/Chez Soi Fact Sheets

#1 Overview
#2 Research Instuments
Forth coming
Research Instuments Forth coming
#3 Participant Demographics

#4 Food Security 
#5 Participant Mobility
#6 Housing Quality
#7 Quality of Life


At Home/Chez Soi Interim Reports

澳门王中王论坛 Proposal Development
澳门王中王论坛 Implemenation Final Report
澳门王中王论坛 Later Implemation Report
澳门王中王论坛 Sustainability Report

LEC In-Brief

 Presentations, Media, and Podcasts

Evidence Network (2016). Ending Homelessness Through Housing First Initiatives. 

Academic Publications

Volk, J.S., Aubry, T., Goering, P., Adair, C.E., Distasio, J., Jette, J., Nolin, D...Tsemberis, S. (2016). Tenants With Additional Needs: When Housing First Does Not Solve Homelessness.  Journal of Mental Health. 25, 169-175.

Reynolds, Kristin A., Isaak, Corinne A., DeBoer, Tracy, Medved, Maria, Distasio, Jino., Katz, Laurence Y. (2016).  Aging and Homelessness in a Canadian Context. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 35, 1-13.  

Poremski, Daniel., Stergiopoulos, Vicky., Braithwaite, Erika., Distasio, Jino., Nisenbaum, Rosane., Latimer, Eric. (2016).  Effects of Housing First on Employment and Income of Homeless Individuals: Results of a Randomized Trial.   Psychiatric Services. 67, 603-609. 

Goering, P., Veldhuizen, S., Nelson, G.B., Stefancic, A., Tsemberis, S., Adair, C.E., Distasio, J...Streiner, D.L. (2016).  Further Validation of the Pathways Housing First Fidelity Scale.  Psychiatric Services. 67, 111-114.

Poremski, Daniel, Distasio, Jino, Hwang, Stephen W., Latimer, Eric. (2015).  Employment and Income of People Who Experience Mental Illness and Homelessness in a Large Canadian Sample.  Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 60, 379-385.  

Alaazi, Dominic A., Masuda, Jeffrey R., Evans, Joshua, Distasio, Jino. (2015).  Therapeutic Landscapes of Home: Exploring Indigenous People's Experiences of a Housing First Intervention in 澳门王中王论坛. Social Science & Medicine. 147, 30-37.  

DeBoer, T., Distasio, J., Isaak, C.A., Roos, L.E., Bolton, S., Medved, M., Kats, L.Y....Sareen, J. (2015).  What are the Predictors of Volatile Substance Use in an Urban Community of Adults Who are Homeless?  Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health. 34, 37-51.

Adair, C.E., Kopp, B., Lavoie, J., Distasio, J., Hwang, S.W., Watson, A., Veldhuizen, S...Goering, P. (2015). Development and Initial Validation of the Observer-Rated Housing Quality Scale (OHQS) in a Multisite Trial of Housing First.  Journal of Urban Health. 91, 242-255.

Roos, L.E., Distasio, J., Bolton, S., Katz, L.Y., Afifi, T.O., Isaak, C...Sareen, J. (2014). A History In-care Predicts Unique Characteristics in a Homeless Population with Mental Illness.  Child Abuse & Neglect. 38, 1618-1627.

Nelson, G., Stefancic, A., Rae, J., Townley, G., Tsemberis, S., Macnaughton, E., Aubry, T...M. Goering, P. (2014). Early Implementation Evaluation of a Multi-site Housing First Intervention for Homeless People with Mental Illness: A Mixed Methods Approach. Evaluation and Program Planning, 43, 16-26.  

Hinds, Aynslie., Distasio, Jino., Martens, Patricia J., Smith, Mark. (2013).  Health Status and Service Use In Homeless Individuals With Mental Illness: Consistency Between Self-Reported and Administrative Health Records In The At Home/Chez Soi Mulit-Site Trial.  Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 67. 

Roos, L.E., Mota, N., Afifi, T.O., Katz, L., Distasio., Sareen, J. (2013). Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Homelessness and the Impact of Axis I and II Disorders.  American Journal of Public Health, suppl. 103.2, 275-81.

Additional Institute of Urban Studies Reports

  • 澳门王中王论坛 Street Census. Maes-Nino, C., Godoy, M., McCullough, S., Retzlaff, B., Wiebe, A., Wurcherer, L. (2016).   
  • Panhandlers and 澳门王中王论坛's By-Law: Perceptions and Realities. MacDonald, D. (2012).  IUS Student Paper Series.
  • Working Poor Facing Homelessness: Taking Stock of the Knowledge. Distasio, J. (2009).  Proprietary
  • 澳门王中王论坛 Housing and Homelessness Initiative. Distasio, J. (2009). 
  • Homelessness in Manitoba: An Initial Scan. Distasio, J. (2008).  Proprietary
  • Home is Where the Heart is and Right Now that is Nowhere: An Examination of Hidden Homelessness among Aboriginal People in Prairie Cities. Distasio, J., Sylvestre, G., Mulligan, S. (2005). 
  • 澳门王中王论坛 Housing and Homelessness Initiative 2005. Institute of Urban Studies. (2005).  )
  • Beyond a Front Desk: The Residential Hotel as Home. Distasio, J., Mulligan, S. (2005). 
  • Governance in Local Partnerships to Address Homelessness. Carter, T. (2003). 
  • Measuring Homelessness: a review of recent research. Bentley, D. (1995).  Bibliographica Series No.7. 
  • Research Initiatives on Homelessness: International Year of Shelter for the Homeless (IYSH). Charette, C. (1991).  Occasional Paper No.27.  
  • Main Street Project Hostel Evaluation: Executive Summary. Institute of Urban Studies. (1986). 
  • Coping Strategies and Street Life: The Ethnography of 澳门王中王论坛's Skid Row Region. Hauch, C. (1985).  Report No.11.

Additional Links

  • is an online research library created to improve access to homelessness information from across Canada. 
  •  is a website and book developed to assist Canadian communities in adopting the Housing First approach.
  •  is dedicated to telling the stories of participants in the At Home/Chez Soi project.