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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Evictions and Eviction Prevention

Recent Evictions and Eviction Prevention Publications


Seniors and Evictions in Canada: A Life Course Perspective

This study focuses on the eviction experiences of seniors. It applies a life-course perspective that takes a holistic and longitudinal view to understanding housing histories, and the experiences and impacts of evictions for seniors.

Evictions and Eviction Prevention in Canada

Zell, S., McCullough, S.

Evictions and their impact are an increasing concern, across Canada and worldwide. This study, conducted in 2019 and early 2020, examines evictions in Canada through a literature review, interviews with housing service providers and with people who have experienced evictions, and through the compilation of an inventory of eviction prevention measures across Canada. Findings from these multiple lines of inquiry suggest that across Canada the drivers, types, and magnitude of evictions have shifted over the past 15 years. We note trends in the contributing factors and impacts of evictions, and developed a typology of evictions and measures aimed at preventing them. Findings from this work suggest there has been an apparent rise in landlord-driven, development-related evictions, especially in the context of tight housing markets and a lack of affordable housing.




Housing Research Report
Eviction Prevention Measures in Canada—
Scan and Inventory



Research Insight
Evictions: New Typologies and Analysis for the Canadian Landscape

Eviction Prevention Programs,
Policies, and Laws in Canada, 2019 (Database)


Tools for Successful Tenancies 

The IUS is conducting ongoing research funded by the Government of Canada’s Homelessness Partnering Strategy, reviewing eviction prevention and housing retention strategies. In the reports below, we review programs undertaking this work. The practical knowledge from these programs has broad application for any agency trying to keep people housed. The report and toolkit presented below are intended to provide an important foundation for housing organizations to consider as they move into this area. For those organizations already undertaking eviction prevention this work may add to their toolkit. The research provides recommendations on governance structures, policy, protocols, and daily operating procedures to ensure Successful Tenancies for those in need.


Eviction Studies

Toolkit & Resource Guide
Eviction Prevention:
Toolkit of Promising Practices

Best Practices Research Report
"Holding On!:
Supporting Successful Tenancies
For the Hard to House"
"Preventing Eviction and Managing
for Successful Tenancies
Supporting Successful Tenancies
Promising Practices for the Hard to House