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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Recent CJUR Issues

Articles in Volume 30, Issue 1, 2021

  • Dorval Brunelle, Claudia De Fuentes, Peter V. Hall, Jean Michel Montsion. Global value chains and regimes of urban governance: A comparison of four Canadian gateway cities. []

  • Leila Ghaffari, Abdelillah Hamdouch, Juan-Luis Klein. Le droit au quartier et l’acceptation sociale de la gentrification: Les cas de deux processus de transformation urbaine à Nantes et Montréal. []

  • Michel Mersereau. Universal and non-excludable broadband Internet access: A modest proposal for municipal provisioning of broadband as a basic service. []

  • Erin Tolley, Mireille Paquet. Gender, municipal party politics, and Montreal’s first woman mayor. []

  • Isamara M. Vasconcelos, Peter V. Hall. Ride-hailing applications in Vancouver, Canada: Representation, local empowerment and resistance. []

  • Mark C. J. Stoddart, Emma Cruddas, Howard Ramos. Do neighbourhood environmental perceptions affect practices? []

  • Juliette Maulat, Florence Paulhiac-Scherrer, Franck Scherrer. Public policy tools to implement transit-oriented development: The case of the Montreal city-region. []

  • Christopher A. De Sousa, D. Reanne Ridsdale. An examination of municipal efforts to manage brownfields redevelopment in Ontario, Canada. []

Articles in the Special Issue - Climate Change and Urban Transformations: Perspectives and Case Studies (Volume 28, Issue 2, Winter 2019)

  • Emiliano Scanu, Louis Guay. Editor's Introduction: Climate Change and Urban Transformations: Perspectives and Case Studies.

  • Emiliano Scanu. Climate Change, Urban Responses and Sociospatial Transformations: The Example of Quebec City.

  • Alexandra Nadeau, Geneviéve Cloutier, Claire Poitras, Alexander Aylett. Racines citoyennes: la communauté locale au coeur de la transition écologique: L'impact des initiatives climatiques locales et citoyennes à Montréal.

  • Laura Tozer. Deep Decarbonization in Practice: Solutions and Challenges for Low-Carbon Building Retrofits.

  • René Audet, Ian Segers, Mathilde Manon. Experimenting the Sustainability Transition in Montreal Laneways: The Nos milieux de vie! Case Study.

  • Louis Guay. Construire la ville et son environnement: Les grandes villes canadiennes et la biodiversité.

Book Reviews

  • Issac Coplan. The Political Life of Homeless Youth and the Search for Stability. Jeff Karabanow, Sean Kidd, Tyler Frederick and Jean Hughes, authors.

  • Simon J. Lambert. Stolen City: Radical Capitalism and the Making of 澳门王中王论坛. Owen Toews, author.

  • Luisa Sotomayor. Small Cities, Big Issues: Reconceiving Community in a Neoliberal Era.

Articles in the Special Issue - Public Space Beyond The City Centre: Suburban and Periurban Dynamics (Volume 28, Issue 1, Summer 2019)

  • Roza Tchoukaleyska, Theresa Enright, Ute Lehrer. Editor's Introduction: Public Space Beyond the City Centre: Suburban and Periurban Dynamics.

  • Annika Airas and Peter V. Hall. Reinventing Urban Waterfronts Beyond the Urban Core: Public Space and Redevelopment in Squamish and the Vancouver Region.

  • Cara Chellew. Defending Suburbia: Exploring the Use of Defensive Urban Design Outside of the City Centre.

  • Theresa E. Enright and Christina McIntyre. Art and Neighbourhood Change Beyond the City Centre.

  • Lucy Lynch. The Hamptons of Toronto: Cottage-Condo Suburbanization and Implications for Public Space.

  • Loren March, Ute Lehrer. Verticality, Public Space and the Role of Resident Participation in Revitalizing Suburban High-rise Buildings

Book Reviews

  • Sergei Basik. The Political Life of Urban Streetscapes: Naming, Politics, and Place. Reuben Rose-Redwood, Derek Alderman and Maoz Azaryahu, editors.

  • Evan Bowness. Grassroots to Global: Broader Impacts of Civic Ecology. Marianne E. Krasny, editor.

  • Duane W. Rockerbie. Bulls Markets: Chicago’s Basketball Business and the New Inequality. Sean Dinces, author.

  • Mark Seasons. No Straight Lines: Local Leadership and the Path from Government to Governance in Small Cities. Terry Kading, editor.

  • Laura Shillington. Constructing the Patriarchal City: Gender and the Built Environments of London, Dublin, Toronto, and Chicago, 1870s into the 1940s. Maureen A. Flanagan, author.

  • C. Richard Tindal. Accountability and Responsiveness at the Municipal Level: Views from Canada. Sandra Breux and Jérôme Couture, editors.

  • Erin Tolley. 100 Questions About Women and Politics. Manon Tremblay, author.

Articles in Volume 27, Issue 2, Winter 2018

  • Ionut Nicolescu. Cases of Equality: Idle No More and the Protests at Standing Rock.

  • Royce Koop. Electorate Size and Representational Communication in Canadian Cities.

  • Vanessa Rosa. Social Citizenship and Urban Revitalization in Canada.

  • Marc Vachon. The Ever-Shrinking Condo.

  • Shauna Brail. From Renegade to Regulated: The Digital Platform Economy, Ride-hailing and the Case of Toronto.

Book Reviews

  • Pablo Mendez. Suburban Planet. Making the World Urban from the Outside In. Roger Keil, author.

  • Garrett Mombourquette. Financing Infrastructure: Who Should Pay? Richard M. Bird and Enid Slack, editors.

  • Jeannette Waegemakers Schiff. Helter-Shelter: Security, Legality, and an Ethic of Care in an Emergency Shelter. R Prashan Ranasinghe, author.

Articles in Volume 27, Issue 1, Summer 2018

  • Maxwell Hartt, Justin Hollander. City Size and Academic Focus: Exploring Trends in Canadian Urban Geography, Planning and Policy Literature.

  • Martine Balcaen, Joni Storie. Identifying Food Swamps Based on Area-Level Socioeconomic Patterning of Retail Food Environments in 澳门王中王论坛, Canada.

  • Audrey C. Jamal. Regional Planning and Urban Revitalization in Mid-Sized Cities: A Case Study on Downtown Guelph.

  • Jean-Philippe Meloche, Maxime Leblanc-Desgagné. Municipal Reforms in Montreal and the Issue of Fairness.

Book Reviews

  • Janis Thiessen. Food Trucks, Cultural Identity, and Social Justice: From Loncheras to Lobsta Love. Julian Agyeman, Caitlin Matthews, and Hannah Sobel, eds.

  • Caroline Andrew. Still Renovating: A History of Canadian Social Housing Policy. Greg Suttor, Author.

  • Marie-Eve Desroches. The Rise of Cities: Montréal, Toronto, Vancouver and Other Cities. Dimitri Roussopoulos, ed.

  • Thomas-Bernard Kenniff. Urban Encounters: Art and the Public. Martha Radice, Alexandrine Boudreault-Fournier, eds.

Articles in Volume 26, Issue 2, Winter 2017

  • Evan Cleave, Ben Watson McCauley and Godwin Arku. Just Because You Could, Doesn't Mean You Should: Exploring If (And When) Cities Should Brand Through a Case Study of The City of London, Ontario.

  • Raphaël Fischler, Lindsay Wiginton and Sarah Kraemer. A Place to Stand on Your Own Two Feet: The Role of Community Housing in Immigrant Integration in Montréal, Quebec

  • John B. Sutcliffe and Sarah Cipkar. Citizen Participation in the Public Transportation Policy Process: A Comparison of Detroit, Michigan, and Hamilton, Ontario

  • Daniel Hiebert. Immigrants and Refugees in the Housing Markets of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, 2011.

Book Reviews

  • Rachel Phillips and Jason Hackworth. Cities in Global Capitalism. Ugo Rossi, Author.

  • Jennifer Mateer. Town and Crown: An Illustrated History of Canada's Capital. David L.A. Gordon, Author.

  • Carlos Teixeira. Immigration and the City. Eric Fong and Brent Berry, Authors.

Articles in Volume 26, Issue 1, Summer 2017

  • Parvinder Hira-Friesen. The Effect of Labour Market Characteristics on Canadian Immigrant Employment in Precarious Work, 2006-2012

  • Joseph Kushner and Tomson Ogwang. The Fiscal Impact of Urban Growth on Municipalities

  • Janine Rose and Valerie Preston. Canadian Municipalities and Services for Immigrants: A Toronto Case Study

  • John Sylvestre, Nick Kerman, Alexia Polillo, Catherine M. Lee and Tim Aubry. A Profile of Families in the Emergency Family Homeless Shelter System in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

  • Olivier Roy-Baillargeon. La symbiose de la planifi cation et de la gouvernance territoriales: Le cas du Grand Montréal

Book Reviews

  • Joshua Evans. The Death and Life of the Single-Family House: Lessons from Vancouver on Building a Livable City. Nathanael Lauster, Author.

  • Julie Chamberlain. Speaking Memory: How Translation Shapes City Life. Sherry Simon, Editor.

  • Luna Khirfan. A Place in Mind: Designing Cities for the 21st Century. Avi Friedman, Author.

  • Zachary Neal. Geomedia: Networked Cities and the Future of Public Space. Scott McQuire, Author.

Articles in Volume 25, Issue 2, Winter 2016

  • Ajay Agarwal and Patricia Collins. Opportunities and Barriers to Promoting Public Transit Use in a Midsize Canadian City.

  • Samuel Mosonyi and Dennis Baker. Bylaw Battles: Explaining Municipal-Provincial and Municipal-Federal Win-Rates

  • Susannah Bunce and Farrah Chanda Aslam. Land Trusts and the Protection and Stewardship of Land in Canada: Exploring Non-Governmental Land Practices and the Role of Urban Community Land Trusts.

  • Nicole Goodman and Jack Lucas. Policy Priorities of Municipal Candidates in the 2014 Local Ontario Elections.

  • Harry H. Hiller and Pernille Tranholm Goodbrand. From Slum to Village: A Semiotic Analysis in Reimaging Urban Space.

  • Matthew Quick, Jane Law, Tanya Christidis and Claire Paller. Exploring the Socioeconomic Composition of Wind Farm Communities in Ontario: Implications for Wind Farming and Policy.

  • Matthew D. Sanscartier and James Gacek. Out, Damned Spot: Socio-economic Hygienic Practices of Business Improvement Districts.

Book Reviews

  • Maxwell Hartt. Remaking the Rust Belt: The Postindustrial Transformation of North America. Tracy Neumann, Author.

  • Eva Pip. Leaky Governance: Alternative Service Delivery and the Myth of Water Utility Independence. Kathryn Furlong, Author.

Articles in Volume 25, Issue 1, Summer 2016 Special Issue - Ottawa Studies

  • Tonya Davidson and Nicholas A. Scott. Editorial Introduction - Reassembling Ottawa.

  • Julie Tomiak. Unsettling Ottawa: Settler Colonialism, Indigenous Resistance, and the Politics of Scale.

  • Nicholas A. Scott. Cycling, Performance and the Common Good: Copenhagenizing Canada's Capital.

  • Peter Grant Anderson. Comparing Nineteenth and Twenty-first Century Ecological Imaginaries at Ottawa's Central Experimental Farm.

  • Timothy Di Leo Browne. National Style in the Architecture of Parliament: Whose Nation, Whose Style?

  • Michael Lait. Preserving Ottawa's Metropolitan Nature: How the 1970 Gatineau Park Planning Controversy Transformed the National Capital Commission and its Conservation Park.

  • Gary Martin and Patricia Ballamingie. Faith Missions and Church Redevelopment in Ottawa, Ontario. Critical Research Note.

Book Reviews

  • Molly Ranahan. Cities and the Politics of Difference: Multiculturalism and Diversity in Urban Planning. Michael A. Burayidi, Editor.

  • Michael Classens. Kensington Market: Collective Memory, Public History, and Toronto's Urban Landscape. Na Li, Author.

  • Pablo Mendez. Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach. Ren Thomas, Author.

Articles in the Winter 2015 volume 24, Issue 2:

  • Melissa Charenko. A Historical Assessment of the World's First Business Improvement Area (BIA): The Case of Toronto's Bloor West Village.

  • Pierre Filion, Igal Charney & Rachel Weber. Downtowns that Work: Lessons from Toronto and Chicago.

  • Amardeep Kaur Amar & Cheryl Teelucksingh. Environmental Justice, Transit Equity and the Place for Immigrants in Toronto.

  • Markus Moos Kramer, Pablo Mendez, Liam McGuire, Elvin Wyly, Anna Kramer, Robert Walter-Joseph & Mark Williamson. More Continuity than Change? Re-evaluating the Contemporary Socio-economic and Housing Characteristics of Suburbs.

  • Anthony Perl, Matt Hern, & Jeffrey Kenworthy. Streets Paved with Gold: Urban Expressway Building and Global City Formation in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver.

  • Amanda Jones & Carlos Teixeira. Housing Experiences of Single Mothers in Kelowna's Rental Housing Market.

  • Catherine Trudelle, Juan-Luis Klein, Jean-Marc Fontan & Diane-Garbrielle Tremblay. Urban Conflicts and Socio-Territorial Cohesion: Consensus Building and Compromise in the Saint-Michel Neighbourhood in Montreal.

  • R. Ben Fawcett, Ryan Walker & Jonathan Greene. Indigenizing City Planning Processes in Saskatoon, Canada

Book Reviews

  • Martine August. New Deal Ruins: Race Economic Justice, and Public Housing Policy. Edward Goetz, Author

  • Maxwell Hartt. Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries and Systems. Daniel P. O'Donoghue, Editor.

For Back Issues Volume 1 to Present:

CJUR articles 1992 (volume 1) to present are .

CJUR articles may also be found on Ebsco and ProQuest products. Please consult with your local library databases and search for the journal by title under Canadian Journal of Urban Research or by subject under City Planning or Urban Policy.


Top Downloads

Moira J. Calder, Solina Richter, Katharina Kovacs Burns & Yuping Mao. 2011.  Framing Homelessness for the Canadian Public: The News Media and Homelessness. [PDF]

Ted Jojola. 2008.  Indigenous Planning—An Emerging Context. [PDF]

Maya Seshia. 2010.  Naming Systemic Violence in 澳门王中王论坛’s Street Sex Trade. [PDF]

Ute Lehrer & Thorben Wieditz. 2009.  Condominium Development and Gentrification: The Relationship Between Policies, Building Activities and Socio-economic Development in Toronto. [PDF]


By Special Request (Articles made available by request)

Pablo Mendez, Daniel Hiebert, Elvin Wyly. 2006. Landing at Home: Insights on Immigration and Metropolitan Housing Markets from the Longitudinal Survey of Immigrants to Canada. [PDF]


Contents of select CJUR Issues
