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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Policy: Training & Development for Support Staff


September 1, 1994


Vice-President (Finance and Administration)


The purpose of this policy is to outline the University's commitment to the training and development of support staff and to communicate the types of programs available.


This policy applies to all support staff at the University who are in full-time or part-time, continuing or sessional positions including grant funded positions and those in ancillary operations or Institutes.


The Director of Human Resources is responsible for the communication, administration, and interpretation of this policy.


The University of 澳门王中王论坛 encourages and supports efforts by employees to develop their capabilities and advance their careers in the overall context of meeting the goals and objectives of the University. Activities designed to support such staff development are contained in the various collective agreements or in policy and include employee orientation programs, tuition scholarships for credit courses, tuition reimbursement for job related courses, internal promotional opportunities, performance reviews and development plans, departmental training and development as well as University supported training and development through the Human Resources Department.

Employee Orientation Programs

A centralized employee orientation program will be conducted for all support staff by the Human Resources Department assisted by other University employees and departments. This program will be designed to ensure that the common information required by all employees is provided in a timely and consistent manner. The program will be comprised of four components:

a) payroll, benefits and University services documentation
b) departmental orientation through supervisory checklist
c) central orientation session on the University
d) orientation to administrative functions

Tuition Benefit/Reimbursement

The University supports the career development of support staff through the provision of tuition benefits for University of 澳门王中王论坛 credit courses as well as partial tuition reimbursement of tuition fees for non-credit courses taken through the Continuing Education Division. Job related courses taken at other post-secondary institutions are also eligible for the tuition reimbursement benefits. The relevant information on this support is contained in the appropriate collective agreements or in the Tuition Benefit/Reimbursement Policy for Support Staff Excluded From Bargaining Units.

Internal Promotional Opportunities

The University of 澳门王中王论坛 encourages internal promotional opportunities through the internal posting of all vacancies. Information on these procedures is available in the appropriate collective agreements or in the Employment Policy For Support Staff.

Performance Review And Development Plans

The University currently has an annual performance review program. During this review future objectives are identified and staff development is examined to identify possible training programs which employees may require in order to assist them in attaining their objectives. Information on the performance review and development plan procedures is available from the Human Resources Department.

Departmental Training and Development

It is the responsibility of each department or unit head to ensure that the support staff within the department are provided with the proper training to perform their functions. In addition it is also their responsibility to foster the development of their employees to prepare them for future demands and career advancement within the University. To this extent department or unit heads may use departmental funds to provide the development which they believe will provide a benefit to the department and are consistent with the departmental goals and objectives. This development may take the form of participation in workshops, seminars and conferences.

As an incentive to undertake departmental training the University has established a central training and development fund administered by the Human Resources Department to augment the departmental funds currently directed towards such activities. Department or unit heads may make application to the Human Resources Department for funds to support development activities. Funding is normally available to the extent of 60% of a registration fee that exceeds $50.00, to a maximum of $500.00. Travel and accommodation costs are not eligible for support from this fund. Activities normally covered by the central training and development fund will be outside the University and will include workshops and seminars of up to three (3) days duration. Support will not be provided to attend conferences. Departments or units may be limited in the number of applications which will be approved on the basis of the amount of funds available in relation to the number of approved applications for that department or unit.

Department or unit heads may make application for financial assistance by completing the application form available from the Human Resources Department. Applications should be filed prior to the registration for the activity and should include a descriptive brochure for the activity. The Human Resources Department will notify the department or unit head as soon as possible of the result of the application.

All support staff members who attend workshops or seminars that are supported by the central training and development fund will be asked to submit to their department or unit head a brief written report on a standard form evaluating the quality of the program with a copy to the Human Resources Department. Following receipt by the Human Resources Department of the confirmation of registration and the participant's evaluation of the event, funds will be transferred to the appropriate account.

The Human Resources Department is responsible for maintaining a file of descriptive brochures of current workshops and seminars as well as the evaluations from staff members who have attended these events in the past. These files of brochures shall be available to interested University personnel.

University Supported Training and Development

The Human Resources Department is responsible for developing a program of centrally funded training and development programs to be offered within the University on a wide variety of skills and developmental activities. These workshops and seminars are designed to be a more economical method of reaching a larger number of employees and will typically have a greater applicability to most employees rather than being very specific to a single position or department.

Programs will be provided to the University community with as much notice as possible to allow departments to organize alternate arrangements for those employees who will be attending. The Human Resources Department will be responsible for administering the enrolment of employees in these seminars in such a manner as to provide the broadest availability of the program to those with the greatest need. Enrolment in these training and development programs must be confirmed in advance by the Human Resources Department.

In addition to the provision of in-house programs, the University may wish to participate in external training and development programs of longer duration than described earlier in this policy. Normally the decision to undertake such training and development will not be made at the department level and as a result, the approval for the registration and the level of financial support from the central training fund will be determined by the Vice-President (Finance and Administration) and the Director of Human Resources in consultation with the appropriate department or unit head.