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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Nora Casson

Nora Casson Title: Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Environmental Influences on Water Quality
Phone: (204) 258-3052
Office: 2RC022
Building: Richardson College for the Environment
Email: n.casson@uwinnipeg.ca

Teaching Areas:
Catchment hydrology
Ecosystem ecology


GEOG-2218(3) Fluvial and Slope Processes
GEOG-3210(3) Hydrology
GEOG-3218(3) Global BioGeochemical Cycles
GEOG-3330(3) Research Methods in Geography

Research Interests:

Hydrological controls on stream nutrient export.
Landscape controls on stream and lake chemistry.
Interactions between hydrological and biogeochemical processes across ecosystems.


Orihel, D. M., H. M. Baulch, N. J. Casson, R. L. North, C. T. Parsons, D. C. Seckar, and J. J. Venkiteswaran, J. J. 2017. . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 74(12): 2005–2029.

Enanga, E. M., N.J. Casson, T. Fairweather, and I. F. Creed. 2017. Environmental Science and Technology 51(11): 6036–6043.

Crossman, J., M. C. Eimers, N. J. Casson, D. A. Burns, J. L. Campbell, G. E. Likens, M. J. Mitchell, S. J. Nelson, J. B. Shanley, S. A. Watmough, and K. L. Webster. 2016. . Biogeochemistry 130(3): 247–265.

Enanga, E. M., I. F. Creed, T. Fairweather, and N. J. Casson. 2016. . Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121: 2356–2368

Stanley, E. H., N. J. Casson, S. T. Christel, J. T. Crawford, L. C. Loken, and S. K. Oliver. 2016. . Ecological Monographs 86(2): 146–171.

Enanga, E. M., I. F. Creed, N. J. Casson, and F. D. Beall. 2016. . Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121: 95-108.

Crawford, J. T., L. C. Loken, N. J. Casson, C. Smith, A. G. Stone, and L. A. Winslow.  2015. . Environmental Science and Technology 49(1): 442–450.

Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2014. . Biogeochemistry 121(2): 355–368

Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2014. . Biogeochemistry 120(1-3): 23–36.

O'Brien H. D., M. C. Eimers, S. A. Watmough and N. J. Casson. 2013. . Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70(5): 766-774, doi:10.1139/cjfas-2012-0474.

Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers, and S. A. Watmough. 2012. . Hydrological Processes 26: 2546–2554.

Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers and S. A. Watmough. 2012. . Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184(10): 5917–5927.

Casson, N. J., M. C. Eimers and J. M. Buttle. 2010. . Hydrological Processes 24: 1985-1993