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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Joni Storie

Joni Storie Title: Associate Professor
Phone: (204) 258-3862
Office: 5L05
Building: Lockhart Hall
Email: j.storie@uwinnipeg.ca

Teaching Areas:
Regional & Physical Geography
Resource conservation and management
Geomatics (GIS & Remote Sensing)


GEOG-1305(3) Mapping in a Global World
GEOG-2316(3) Intro Remote Sensing
GEOG-3306(3) Advanced GIS
GEOG-3319(3) Advanced Remote Sensing
GEOG-4320(3) Projects in Geomatics
GEOG-4321/2(3) Topics in Geomatics I/II

Research Interests:
Land-use/Land-Cover Mapping and Monitoring
Map automation, machine learning tools and spatial statistics
Terrestrial and Aquatic Resource Management


Sokolov, M., Henry, C., Storie, J., Storie, C., Alhassan, V., & Turgeon-Pelchat, M. (2022). High-resolution semantically-consistent image-to-image translation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. Volume: 16, p.482 – 492, DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2022.3226705

Cameron, J., Storie, J., & Sims, N. (2022). Phenology impact on mangrove area estimation pre-and post a cyclone in Fiji using Sentinel-1 imagery. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 26(6), 1-12.

Murray, B. A., Sims, N., & Storie, J. (2022). Mapping mangrove alliances using historical data in Fiji. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 26(5), 1-8.

Joni Storie, C. D. Storie, C.J. Henry, M. Sokolov, B. Murray, J. Cameron & R-M Tsenov (2021) Basin-scale and seasonal evaluation of automated threshold methods for surface water detection, Remote Sensing Letters, 12:7, 645-653, DOI: 10.1080/2150704X.2021.1918788

Balcaen, M. and J. Storie. 2018. Identifying food swamps based on area-level socioeconomic patterning of retail food environments in 澳门王中王论坛, Canada. The Canadian Journal of Urban Studies 27(1):  p.##.

Fraser, S. and J. Storie, 2016, . IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 9(8): 3578–3587.

Fraser, S., J. Sewell, J. Storie, A. Werner, C. Enns, and G. Berard. 2014. . Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays 17: 23–31.

Werner, A., C. Storie and J. Storie. 2014. . Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 40: 278–290.

Fraser, S. and J. Storie. 2013. . Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays 16: 10–23.

Werner, A., C. Enns, J. Storie, S. Fraser, J. Sewell, and G. Berard. 2013. . Prairie Perspectives: Geographical Essays 16: 24–33.

Bugden-Storie, J., C. Storie, and C. Burda. 2011. . The Southeastern Geographer 51(1): 150–164. 

Bugden, J. L., E. Pattey, and H. McNairn. 2009. . Canada Journal for Remote Sensing 35(2): 130–140.

Smith, A.M., P. R. Eddy, J. Bugden-Storie, E. Pattey, H. McNairn, M. Nolin, I. Perron, M. Hinther, J. Miller, and D. Haboudane. 2006. . Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing Vol. 32(4): 300–313.

Bugden, J. L., J. Andrey and P. J. Howarth. 2004. . Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing  30(2): 195–204.