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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Leatherdale Hall

“In times past, Tony’s was the central hub of life at The Collegiate,” says Collegiate Dean Robert Bend “Students met there to work, to plan, to debate, to eat, and to get to know each other. In Tony’s, teachers met with their students and each other; they even held small seminars around the tables at the back. Tony’s was a place where students and faculty bonded and it was there one could feel the spirit of The Collegiate.”

UPDATE: We are pleased to announce that we have exceeded our fundraising goal for our Leatherdale Hall Campaign! This would not have been possible without the generosity of our alumni, faculty, staff and friends of The University of 澳门王中王论坛 and Collegiate. THANK YOU!

Did your time at The Collegiate, U澳门王中王论坛 or United College positively influence who you are today? Do you remember Tony’s and how it impacted your overall student experience?

Help us create a similar experience for a new generation of students!

Tony’s Canteen

What’s your memory of Tony’s? Is it a kind smile from across the room, a last minute cram session, or a flirty rendezvous with your crush from Calculus?

Named after Tony Kozyra, Tony’s Canteen was a meeting place for faculty, students and graduates. Hundreds of parties, college functions, and socials were planned at the original salmon-coloured tables in the basement of Wesley Hall. Whenever there were late-night events or students studying for exams, Tony kept the canteen open long after midnight and many graduates can still recall the free cup of coffee from Tony when he knew tuition was due.

Despite Tony’s passing in 1965, the canteen remained a fixture on campus until 2007 and was fondly recognized by students, faculty and staff. Once considered the heart of our campus it provided a strong sense of community and identity for many. 

Without Tony’s, our student’s experience is not complete. While our school spirit remains in the halls and classrooms, there is no place where students from different grade levels can mix, no place where they can meet informally with their teachers, and no place for them to gather when not in class. We need to develop a new Tony’s that will foster and encourage the same range of student and faculty activity and interaction, so it can once again become the center of Collegiate life.

The longer we wait to fund this project, the more students will graduate without the Tony’s experience that brought such fond memories for so many of us.

Please click to help bring Tony’s back!

More information

  • The Uniter
  • - 澳门王中王论坛 Sun
  • - CBC
  • 澳门王中王论坛 Free Press
  • U澳门王中王论坛 NewsCentre 

Leatherdale Hall / Tony’s supporters

*In addition to the lead gift of $2.5 million, the Campaign has raised over $1.5 million to date from the following generous donors:”

Capital Campaign Donor Recognition

The University of 澳门王中王论坛 Collegiate 

Class of ‘35 
Genevieve E. Howe* 

Class of ‘44
Gordon Denford 

Class of ‘45 
Magnus Harper Bayne* 

Class of ‘46 
Vernon Howard Sinclair

Class of ‘49 
Estate of Mr. Wallace C. Schram 

Class of ‘

Thorlein Mitchell

Class of ‘53 
P. Joyce Yellowlees 1953

Class of ‘54 
Alan Robert Maxwell

Class of ‘57 
Phyllis Hunt*
Frederick W. Johnson 

Class of ‘58 
Eleanor Stardom* 

Class of ‘59 
Wilda Eva Smith  

Class of ‘63 
James D. Isbister 
Joan Richardson

Class of ‘64 
Jim MacDonald
Donald Stuart McKibbin*
Robert Byrne Schlingerman

Class of ‘65 
Robert (Bob) Stuebing*
Kenneth Ketola
Dr. Raymond L. McFeetors*

Class of ‘66 
George E. Van Den Bosch*
Ronald Barry Krentz*

Class of ‘67 
Ross Robinson
Jim Richardson 
Bjorn (Barney) Christianson QC*
Dr. Robert M. Kozminski

Class of ‘68 
Leslie Donald*
Alberta Jean Mcleod-Stringham 
Jeraldine Bjornson*

Class of ‘69 
Carolyn Ann Hursh and Larry E. Hursh, QC

Class of ‘70 
Kathleen Bell*
Harvey Barry Gales  
Lesley E. Sisler*

Class of ‘73 
Evelyn Wur*

Class of ‘74 
Frances L. Waldman

Class of ‘75 
Janine Gibson

Class of ‘76 
Deborah Metcalfe

Class of ‘78 
Sherri May Walsh and Dr. Louis Ludwig*
Dr. Jennifer Grace Frain
Michael Sydney Gray*

Class of ‘79 
Dinah M. Goldenberg*

Class of ‘83 
Dr. E. Kenneth Schmidt

Class of ‘84
Danny Bubis

Class of ‘86 
Michael Guralnick
John Loewen*

Class of ‘87 
Ashish Modha 

Class of ‘98 
Kristopher Miller
Cara Lynn Butler

Class of ‘00 
Adam Chisick

Class of ‘02
Andrea Raymonde Doyle*

Class of ‘03 
Darryl Antel

Class of ‘08 
Ronna Joudan*
David Brent Walford*

The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Class of ‘39 
Genevieve E. Howe*

Class of ‘41  
Betty Schmitt

Class of ‘43  
Irene F. Lawson

Class of ‘46 
Evelyn Smith
Joan E. McKone

Class of ‘49 
Magnus Harper Bayne*
James Fargey

Class of ‘52 
Richard Thomas Bevan
Barbara Johnstone   

Class of ‘53 
Michael Skwark QC
Garrath A. Germain
Alvin H. Mackling
Donald G. Mutch

Class of ‘55
Patricia Gregory

Class of ‘56 
James Randle English
Rev. Eduard Cornelis Prinselaar*

Class of ‘57 
Shirley Russell*
Frances Hill
Betty-Lou Munro

Class of ‘59 
Shirley Russell*

Class of ‘60 
Phyllis Hunt*
Marilyn J. Thompson
Martin Jaeger

Class of ‘61 
Gordon A. Taggart*  
Dr. John Bock  

Class of ‘62 
Carol E. Marcelle
Margaret Lynne Overland
Marlyce Swinnerton 
Kenneth A. Mozersky
G. Dale Yeo  

Class of ‘63 
Colleen Ortwein   
John William Ranger
Susan Hildebrandt   
Bryce Wolfram Douglas  

Class of ‘64 
Ms Lois C. Scott
J. David Shilliday

Class of ‘65 
Lila B. Henderson
Gordon A. Taggart*  
Linda Rigby   
Margaret Kinsley

Class of ‘66 
Dr. John Roberts

Class of ‘67 
Donald Stuart McKibbin*
Nancy McDougall
Eleanor Stardom*
Carolyn Jean Porhownik

Class of ‘68 
Robert (Bob) Stuebing*
Dr. Raymond L. McFeetors*

Class of ‘69 
George E. Van Den Bosch*
Jo-Anne Gail Doerksen*

Class of ‘71 
Leslie Donald*
Ronald Barry Krentz*
Leslie Victoria Prizeman
Bjorn (Barney) Christianson QC*

Class of ‘73 
Kathleen Bell*
Jeraldine Bjornson*

Class of ‘76
Wilda Eva Smith*  
Ms Lesley E. Sisler*

Class of ‘77 
Dr. Donald (Don) Metz (U澳门王中王论坛 Faculty)
Evelyn Wur* 
Dr. Annette Marie Trimbee
Anne M. Rusnak  

Class of ‘78 
Catherine Anne Herd

Class of ‘79 
Dinah M. Goldenberg*

Class of ‘81
Sherri May Walsh and Dr. Louis Ludwig*

Class of ‘82
Leonard Asper and Susan Asper

Class of ‘83
Dr. Jennifer Grace Frain
Michael Sydney Gray*

Class of ‘84 
Brenda Mae Suderman*

Class of ‘86 
Rev. Eduard Cornelis Prinselaar*
Brian Lawrence Cuthbert Daly

Class of ‘87 
Sharon Pfeifer
Lau Siu-lun

Class of ‘

*Jennifer Katherine Janzen

Class of ‘
Jo-Anne Gail Doerksen*

Class of ‘93 
Benjamin Sparrow 

Class of ‘95 
Patti Tweed

Class of ‘
John Loewen*
Diane Ruth Mason  

Class of ‘98 
Michael Sidney Gray*

Class of ‘99
Carol Pawluk

Class of ‘01 
John Loewen*

Class of ‘06 
Andrea Raymonde Doyle*

Class of ‘07 
Adelana Adeleye-Olusae 

Class of ‘08 
Ms Jolene Christa Deere

Class of ‘10 
April Marion Pasieczka

Class of ‘13 
Ronna Joudan*
Charles Loewen
Brenda Mae Suderman*

Class of ‘14 
David Brent Walford*
Rayna Dianne Rieger

Friends of The University of 澳门王中王论坛 and Collegiate

Marilyn Souter
Gordon Lee 
Craig Lee
Robert Bend
Bonnie Talbot
Richard Martin
Carole Anderson
Olaf Johnson   
Rossana de McCormack 
Margeurite Sveinson 
Brenda Kalteck
Robert Sveinson
Kristine Khan
Catherine Schlosser
Barry and Elane Talbot
Dr. Neil K. Besner
Star Nap
Norman Walker
Phyllis D. Webster
Terry Samborski
Dena Martin 
Dr. Bruce Rosner
Gail Asper, Michael, Stephen and 
     Jonathan Paterson
Jona Mlodzinski
Dr. W. John A. Bulman CM
Beth Harris
Michelle Kauenhowen
Eileen P. Metz
W. Earl Shepherd
Joginder Gill
Dr. H. Sanford Riley CM, OM
Dr. Hartley T. Richardson CM, OC
Mr. Colin Morrison

The 澳门王中王论坛 Foundation 
Qualico Developments 
Richardson Foundation
RBC Foundation
The Birks Family Foundation
Friends of Ducks Unlimited
Johnston Group Inc.
Moffat Family Fund

Kozminski Family Fund

*Graduate has received certification from the Collegiate/U澳门王中王论坛 on multiple years, the gift was not received or credited twice.

Updated March 2017