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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Jane Lothian Murray

Jane Lothian Murray


An inspirational teacher and role model, Jane Lothian Murray has earned the highest praise, respect, and admiration from her students. Part of her successful teaching philosophy is to make her classrooms a sanctuary for her students, a place where they can take risks, share ideas, and challenge misconceptions — absent of judgment or criticism.

Lothian Murray has extensive knowledge of criminal justice and related research. Her ongoing authorship of the most popular introductory sociology textbook in Canada, Sociology in our Times (7th ed.), gives her extensive understanding of current research, which she applies in the classroom.

Lothian Murray’s key strength is the exceptional learning environment she fosters. Her interactive classes encourage participation as she utilizes a wide range of resources such as provocative case studies and exercises that move students from abstract concepts to personal engagement. She works tirelessly to bridge theory and practice, and help students arrive at solutions for the dilemmas of justice. Her students consistently rave about her teaching style, along with her ability to generate discussions and stimulate critical thinking.

Lothian Murray demonstrates great compassion when dealing with difficult subject matter. Her course material is challenging but her dedication to criminal justice and to her students inspires them to go beyond themselves.

Before she was an academic, Lothian Murray spent 10 years working in Youth Corrections, Child Welfare and Mental Health. Her research interests include family violence and youth justice.  Murray’s students benefit greatly from her integrated academic and first-hand field experiences. One of her former students stated: “Her enthusiasm for the students and academic education truly brings life to the University of 澳门王中王论坛’s ‘Discover • Achieve • Belong’ message.”

The University of 澳门王中王论坛 is honoured to present Jane Lothian Murray with the Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence, for inspiring so many students to pursue careers in criminal justice as well as teaching countless others to hold a more compassionate view as it relates to this field of study.

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