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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Athar Ata

Athar Ata

Athar Ata is an associate professor of chemistry at The University of 澳门王中王论坛, renowned for his energy and enthusiasm. Ata has an excellent reputation as a teacher that is exemplified in his full classes, especially for non-required courses.

Associate Professor and Acting Chair of Chemistry Désirée Vanderwel describes Ata as “the anchor of the chemistry program” at The University of 澳门王中王论坛. He has trained and mentored numerous students in his labs who have continued their academic success in research, published work and awards.

He is a consummate researcher who shares his knowledge. Ata’s labs are known to engage, motivate and educate future chemists while instilling the highest research standards. Ata serves as an excellent role model for his students.

The Clifford J. Robson Memorial Award for Excellence in Teaching is earned by gaining the respect, support, admiration and recognition of students.

As one student wrote, “Dr. Ata is the most influential professor I have yet to encounter. He demonstrates a true love and passion for teaching in the classroom.” Another student said, “Dr. Ata’s gift for presenting complex concepts in the least complex manner is a hallmark of teaching excellence.”

This prestigious acknowledgement by his students is a testimony to Ata’s commitment, love and dedication in his classrooms, his labs and his field of work.