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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Michael Collins McIntyre

Michael McIntyre

BA, PhD.

An exceptional teacher and accomplished researcher, Michael Collins McIntyre began making contributions to self-governance early in his career at The University of 澳门王中王论坛. Shortly after being appointed Assistant Professor in 1975, McIntyre served as Assistant Dean from 1978 to 1982, and Dean of Arts and Science from 1982 to 1992.

As Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, which at the time encompassed virtually the entire University, McIntyre tackled a wide range of responsibilities that are currently shared among several different positions. His colleagues marveled at his ability to provide fiscal, administrative, and academic leadership to the University, all while maintaining a research program and developing into a brilliant professor. McIntyre notes that continuing research and teaching during his ten years as Dean allowed him to be “of” rather than “from” the faculty.  He credits this as the basis for the wonderful collegiality that allowed problems to be solved and progress made.

Among his many accomplishments in his decade as Dean, McIntyre gained national attention when he established U澳门王中王论坛’s Centre for Academic Writing, propelled by a teaching philosophy that places high value on the art of written expression. As Dean, he also developed an accessibility program for those with physically disabilities; the program contributed to a three-fold increase in special-needs students. McIntyre also boosted the arts presence on campus by fostering the evolution of Theatre from a program to a department, and by establishing In-Residence programs for writers, directors and playwrights.  Working collegially with the departments, he was able to foster research capacity in the sciences.  During his term, for example, our Physics Department became one of the very few departments at any university to enjoy 100% NSERC funding.

McIntyre joined The University of 澳门王中王论坛 Psychology Department in 1975 after earning his PhD in neuropsychology at the University of Minnesota and completing his post-doctoral fellowship at Cornell University, New York. After his final term as Dean, he returned to the Department of Psychology, from which he retires as a professor this year.

In 2005, McIntyre was honoured with the Clifford J. Robson Award for Excellence in Teaching. In addition to his inspiring work engaging minds in the classroom, McIntyre provided invaluable guidance to students planning graduate studies inside and outside of his discipline.

McIntyre has amassed an impressive legacy of research, publishing more than 40 refereed journal articles and 55 conference presentations and informal publications. He has also served as an Affiliated Scientist and Program Leader of the Functional Neuroimaging Program at the National Research Council of Canada, and has supervised doctoral and post-doctoral students in psychology, neurophysiology, linguistics, radiology, and physics.

For contributions and accomplishments contributing to lasting growth and improvement, The University of 澳门王中王论坛 is pleased to present Dr. Michael Collins McIntyre with the Robin H. Farquhar Award for Excellence in Contributing to Self-Governance.