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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Joan Grace

Joan Grace

BA (Honours), MPA, PhD

Dr. Joan Grace is being honoured for her many contributions as a gifted and effective administrator in a variety of supportive and leadership roles, most notably as the Chair of the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program offered jointly by U澳门王中王论坛 and the University of Manitoba.

An associate professor, Joan joined the Department of Political Science 15 years ago after holding lecturing positions at McMaster and Ryerson Universities. She earned her BA (Honours) in political science from the University of Victoria in 1993, her MPA from U澳门王中王论坛/U of Manitoba in 1995, and her PhD in political science from McMaster University in 2003. In addition to her reputation for administrative acumen, she is known as an assiduous teacher and scholar.

Joan has committed her time to self-governance of the University at every level. In her department, she has served on several committees, including as Chair of the Curriculum Committee, the Graduate Studies Committee, the Management Committee, and the Department Review Committee. At the faculty level, she has either served on or chaired the Faculty Tenure and Promotion Committee, the General Faculty Council Executive, and the Study Leave Committee. At the University level, her commitments have included chairing the Joint Senate Committee and serving on many others, including a task force on Graduate Studies, and the Senate. She currently serves on the Graduate Studies Committee.

Joan’s commendable administrative strengths are most notable in her role as Chair of the joint MPA program, which she initially held from 2004 to 2008, and returned to at a critical time, in 2014. The previous Chair left while the program was in transition with regard to structure and curriculum, and her colleagues at both campuses praise Joan for having the skills required to update a joint program as well as the great diplomacy she demonstrates consistently with all stakeholders — including students, faculty members, and administrators. She is noted for her efforts to not just strengthen the program, but the relationships behind it. Additionally, as Chair, Joan is a valued mentor to students as they build their public sector careers.

For her dedication, commitment, and service, The University of 澳门王中王论坛 is proud to present Dr. Joan Grace with the Robin H. Farquhar Award for Excellence in Contributing to Self-Governance. 

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