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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

David Fitzpatrick

David Fitzpatrick

PhD; MEd; MEd; BEd; Ed. Cert.; BPE

Dr. David Fitzpatrick has quietly and tirelessly contributed his knowledge and considerable administrative skills to strengthen The University of 澳门王中王论坛 over the last quarter-century. His extraordinary list of accomplishments includes serving on 70 University committees — more than 20 of which he chaired, including the President’s Task Force on Athletics and Academics (2008-2010). This task force resulted in numerous recommendations that led to creation of the new campus and community Health & RecPlex as well as the Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health, with Fitzpatrick serving as its first Dean.

Colleagues describe Fitzpatrick as a dedicated and collegial mentor who models self-governance. He understands — and more importantly, acts on — the principle that the collective institutional good is a value more dear than the good of any individual part.

Fitzpatrick joined U澳门王中王论坛 in 1990 and in 2002 was appointed Coordinator of the Physical Activity and Sport Studies program. It was under his leadership that the program was officially recognized as the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Health in 2003 and he was appointed the first Chair. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Arts from 2007-2012, and has served as Dean of the Gupta Faculty of Kinesiology and Applied Health since its inception in 2012.

Over the next decade he led tremendous changes as the department grew into a full-fledged faculty and the RecPlex on Spence Street swung open its doors in September 2014. This facility leaves a lasting legacy for students and neighbourhood residents who now have an accessible and safe place to learn and play. Fitzpatrick chairs the unique Community Access Advisory Committee to ensure that community programming remains a vital part of the RecPlex mandate. He is also integral to the renovation of the Duckworth Centre and development of the Great-West Life Healthy Campus and Research Centre, opening up new academic and research opportunities for faculty and students.

Much of his work has been accomplished behind the scenes in an unassuming fashion. Fitzpatrick has, without fuss or fanfare, gotten much done in the past two and a half decades.   For his unwavering dedication, The University of 澳门王中王论坛 is proud to present Dr. David Fitzpatrick with the Robin H. Farquhar Award for Excellence in Contributing to Self-Governance.