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The University of 澳门王中王论坛

Model School - Fast Facts

 Background Information

The Model School at the University of 澳门王中王论坛 Collegiate provides students with the opportunity and the support needed to graduate from high school and prepare for post-secondary education. The students enrolled in the program are from backgrounds that have traditionally been under-represented in both high school and post-secondary graduation rates. The school’s unique placement on The University of 澳门王中王论坛 campus gives students access to resources and reference material, facilities and activities typically available only to university students.

  • The Model School opened in September 2008 and since then 108 Model School students have graduated with 80% pursuing post-secondary educations, the majority at U澳门王中王论坛. We generally have between 50 and 60 students enrolled from grade 9 to grade 12. Certified teachers work with the students in all core academic subjects and each student accepted into the program is assessed and an Individualized Education Plan is developed where goals, objectives and potential barriers are identified and addressed.
  • The Model School program provides the students with opportunities to connect with school, their community and their local environment through hands on, real world learning experiences. This concept is rooted in the integrated core curricular activities of science, math, social studies, English language arts and fine arts and is expanded upon and applied by extending the classroom into the schoolyard, neighbourhood and community. Students have the opportunity to apply the skills and concepts they are studying at school into a real context. 
  • The Model School first opened as part of the University's broader Community Learning mandate. The goal of all Community Learning initiatives is to break down the barriers to post-secondary education and provide academic opportunities for students, regardless of socio-economic background, so they may develop a university-bound identity.
  • All students at the Model School have faced barriers and have persevered. More than 95% of Model School students are First Nations, Métis or new Canadians.
  • Students in the Model School program receive a full bursary. They are also provided with continued support including transportation costs, nutrition, equipment such as a laptop computer, and materials and membership at the Bill Wedlake Fitness Centre located at the Duckworth Centre, as well as recreation programming in the Axworthy Health and RecPlex.  All students are enrolled in the University’s Opportunity Fund Tuition Credit program, where they can earn up to $4,000 in tuition credits. They can use these tuition credits upon completion of Grade 12 to attend U澳门王中王论坛. 
  • Potential students are identified and referred by school administrators from local public schools and may also be nominated by non-profit organizations such as CEDA Pathways to Education.
  • The Innovative Learning Centre and the Model School work closely with an Aboriginal non-profit organization, the 澳门王中王论坛 Aboriginal Sport Achievement Centre, to extend the students’ school day. The students are encouraged to participate in extra and co-curricular activities that will develop social, emotional as well as academic skills.  
  • The Model School students are provided with the opportunity to work full time in the summer at The University of 澳门王中王论坛’s Science Adventures Summer Camp. This is a community outreach day camp for inner-city children and youth aged 7 –to 12 years old. The Model School students act as junior and senior leaders and are able to apply first hand the skills they developed throughout the school year, including training in First Aid and CPR, Food Handlers training, Level 1 Coaching certification, refereeing, babysitting certification, etc.  

For more information please contact:
Ian Elliott
Director of the Model School